What Causes Levator Scapulae Pain & How To Escape It Alright, it’s now time to talk about Levator Scapulae pain and the muscle itself! This is a joyous event indeed. For some reason while I was in bed just now recovering from foot surgery…it dawned on me that….yes….this is what must be done! And so […]
Top Inner Knee Pain Exercises To Do!
Two Major Causes Of Inner Knee Pain & How To Address Them Inner knee pain is quite common among people with the lifestyle we live today. We are a lot more sedentary than in the past and we sit around a LOT more! Because of this, certain muscles get weak in our body, while other […]
Scalene Stretch Exercises You Should Do!
Why Scalene Stretch Exercises Are Important! Before we delve into Scalene stretch exercises, let’s talk a little bit. Have you ever had neck stiffness before? I know I have! I think this is an issue that virtually all of us deal with. Indeed, in today’s reality, we may be sitting for hours a day looking […]
Posterior Pelvic Tilt Exercise You Should Do!
What Is Posterior Pelvic Tilt & Why Is It Bad? (If you want to skip reading, I have a VIDEO at the bottom that explains things such as the posterior pelvic tilt exercise I mention here in great detail!) Now, right now, I bet you are reading this thinking, “Who Cares!” Or maybe you’re thinking, “Posterior […]
Relief From Sciatic Nerve Pain: Get It By Sitting Less?
How Sitting Less Can Help To Provide Relief From Sciatic Nerve Pain Sciatic nerve pain, as I’m sure you know, affects many people! And if one thing is for sure, it definitely is not pleasant to have! Because Sciatica can be so painful, who WOULDN’T want to have relief from Sciatic nerve pain!? In this […]
2 Great Winged Scapula Exercises You Can Do!
Why Are My Shoulder Blades Winging & How Do I Fix It? There are a variety of reasons why shoulder blades can wing, or stick out like bird wings from the back. A common cause of this though, I believe, is due to having a weak Serratus Anterior Muscle. How a Weak Serratus Anterior Causes […]
3 Causes For A Trapped Nerve In Your Upper Body
How a Trapped Nerve Happens at Your Neck, Shoulders, and Arms Many people don’t know this, but nerves travel ALL throughout your body. Think of all the nerves in your body like a giant map. There are indeed a vast number of them in your body traveling all over. To get an idea of how […]