Why You Want Broad Shoulders
Having broad shoulders is absolutely a physical trait that so many men are STARVING to have! There is an unquestionable allure associated with broad shoulders. Shoulders that are big, broad, and wide signify confidence and power. Not to mention, women absolutely go CRAZY over men with wide shoulders!
Although many men strongly desire broad shoulders, they do not know exactly how to get them. Many people simply think that doing an exercise such as the Military Press is the key. I am not denying that doing the military press exercise will help you develop those boulder shoulders you crave. However, it is certainly not going to develop your entire shoulder. In this article, I will explain to you the muscle you want to focus on to get broader shoulders and how to workout that muscle effectively.
Workout The Deltoid Muscle To Get Broad Shoulders
Working out your deltoid muscle is critical to getting thick shoulders. As you can see in the picture below, your deltoid muscle is composed of 3 distinct parts.

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How To Workout Your Anterior Deltoid
The anterior deltoid on people is often the part that is most developed. In my opinion, this is because people do not know any better. I believe people tend to workout muscles they can see when looking directly into a mirror.
Due to your anterior deltoid being at the front of your body, you will tend to notice its development a lot more. Because of this, you may zero in on how this muscle looks. Due to this, this is often not the muscle that people need advice on with regards to developing. However, since I’m a nice guy, I’ll tell you how to effectively target this part of the deltoid!
A great exercise for targeting your front deltoid is the bench press. The incline bench will target your front delt even more. Because a major job of your front delt is shoulder flexion and your arm is raised more on the incline bench, this muscle is better targeted. By doing the bench press exercise, you are helping to grow you deltoid muscle and build broad shoulders.
How To Workout Your Middle Deltoid
The middle deltoid is another essential part of your deltoid you will want to target. The main function of this muscle is raising your arm sideways away from your body. Therefore, you will want to apply resistance to this muscle in the opposite direction to work it out. This will help you to build those broad shoulders!
An awesome exercise for your middle deltoid is the Lateral Raise exercise.
Although the lateral raise is an effective exercise, many people wind up doing it wrong. Doing this exercise wrong can actually cause a shoulder injury. If you get injured, that certainly won’t help you in getting broad shoulders!
In my video below, I will explain to you how to do the lateral raise correctly. I will also explain to you the mistake to avoid that so many people make.
Read More Below…
Here is some information you likely have not heard before!
How To Workout Your Posterior Deltoid
The posterior deltoid is what many people struggle to develop. Because it is in the back of the shoulder, people tend to neglect it. This portion of the deltoid should not be ignored! When this part of the deltoid is worked out properly, it will thicken your shoulders and give you a more balanced look. If you want broad shoulders, you have to target your posterior deltoid!
A major action of the posterior deltoid is shoulder horizontal abduction. In other words, it brings your arm horizontally away from your body. Therefore, to workout this muscle effectively, you must provide resistance in the opposite direction.
A great exercise to target your posterior deltoid is the reverse chest fly. You can do this exercise effectively either on a machine, or using a band. In the video below by Yours Truly, I will explain this exercise more.
By doing the reverse chest fly exercise, you will be able to adequately workout your posterior deltoid. This will allow you to get those broad shoulders you want!
A Summation On Getting Broad Shoulders
The deltoid muscle is the major muscle you want to exercise to build broad shoulders. When working out this muscle, you will want to workout the front part, middle part, and rear part.
When working out these muscles, make sure you are using a muscle-building protocol. This means doing each exercise 6-12 repetitions for at least 3 sets. Take a 60-90 second rest break between each set. By exercising in this manner, you will be maximizing the amount of muscle you can build from each exercise. As long as you are doing each exercise with good form, this simple protocol will take you far in your journey to getting those broad shoulders!
Finally, another thing that can make your shoulders look broad is having a slim waist. So, you will want to lose weight if you have excess fat around your waist. By looking slimmer down below, your shoulders will look broader in comparison.
Now that you know how to get broad shoulders, go out there and get the look that everyone wants!
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