But First, A Story On How Having An Inguinal Crease Improves Your Life
There is absolutely no denying that having an inguinal crease will make you look more attractive. In case you don’t know, an inguinal crease is those V lines you see running from the hips to pubic bone of people who are typically in amazing shape. Having an inguinal crease is something we all desire, but it can indeed be hard to attain. If you do attain it though, you can indeed reap the rewards of having one.
For example, picture the following scenario, which could happen to anyone!
Imagine this. You just bought a brand new house in an amazing neighborhood. You are outside and it is a bright, sunny day.
You haven’t introduced yourself to your neighbor yet though. However, you know that when you do introduce yourself to her, you want to make a good first impression. After all, you are single and from what you have seen of her, she is a VERY attractive woman!
So in order to make a good first impression, you go outside to wash your car. You certainly want it looking nice and sparkly when your neighbor, or future soul mate, sees it!
While you are washing your car, you can’t help but think of the great first impression you are going to make when finally meeting your neighbor. You know your freshly washed car will surely leave an impression!
SUDDENLY….Your hear a sound.
Startled, you rapidly turn around while your hose is running.
O MY GAWD! It is your neighbor and you just drenched her with your hose!
You think to yourself, “Wow, I REALLY messed this up!” It was your neighbor’s first time introducing herself to you and rather than wash your car, you washed her instead!
You can see she is quite mad at you. Your mind starts racing to try to find a way to make this situation right.
So you do the first thing you can think of.
You take off your shirt and offer it to her so she can use it to dry herself off.
In an instant, her demeanor completely changes!
“O MY GOODNESS!” She says with huge excitement. “That is the BEST looking Inguinal Crease I have EVER seen!”
While she is using your shirt to dry herself off, she doesn’t take her eyes off of your inguinal crease once. All of your working out has definitely paid off in this case. You can tell that you having a revealing inguinal crease has definitely salvaged this situation.
So what could have started as a bitter feud and turf war between two neighbors has instead turned into an amazing fairy tale ending. The V lines on your abs, revealing themselves as an inguinal crease, have made your neighbor want to know you A LOT better!
Yes, indeed. Your neighbor and you have a first date right then and there, washing your car together. You then become partners and live happily ever after. This was all due to you having an inguinal crease!
How To Get An Inguinal Crease To Show Off To The World
Ok, so perhaps the above story was a BIT exaggerated! But that doesn’t change the fact that people find an inguinal crease to be quite attractive! Now, your question is likely, “Well, how do I get an inguinal crease?” Luckily for you, it isn’t that hard! It primarily consists of doing two things, losing fat and developing a muscle called your Transversus Abdominus.
Develop An Inguinal Crease By Lowering Your Body Fat Percentage
Everyone has an inguinal crease, but not everyone can prominently reveal it! What the inguinal crease is is actually a ligament called the Inguinal Ligament. This ligament travels from your hip bone to your pubic bone. When your body fat percent drops to a low enough level, around 9%, this ligament will reveal itself.
Therefore, getting your body fat down to a low enough level is key to getting an inguinal crease!
A key way to lower fat levels is going to be watching what you eat! For example, knowing that there is 3,500 calories in a pound, you should try to eliminate roughly 500 calories a day from your diet. Doing this for one week, you should lose roughly a pound. You can likely lose less than 500 calories as during this time, you will be exercising. Exercising will burn calories. So if your dieting and exercising combines to make you lose about 500 calories per day, you will lose roughly a pound a week.
I find that what holds many people back from eating well is that they give in to peer pressure. When out with friends, one must be assertive with their food choices! If you display no assertiveness, you will simply eat all the unhealthy food being presented to you.
To lose weight, you also must have strong willpower! When you put in the discipline to exercise or eat healthy, you cannot throw that away to the wind! You cannot say, “Well now, guess I have a license to eat what I want!” If you do that, then your efforts are mostly for naught! You must be continually disciplined and you cannot constantly reward yourself after engaging in a healthy behavior! Rewards should be a rarity!
You should also exercise to build muscle. When you build muscle, your metabolism goes higher. This will increase the amount of calories your body burns through. Therefore, if you build more muscle, you will have an easier time losing weight!
Develop An Inguinal Crease By Exercising The Transversus Abdominis Muscle
The Transversus Abdominis is the deepest abdominal core muscle in your body. This muscle is extremely important in stabilizing your lumbar spine and lower back. Besides doing that, this muscle also attaches to the Inguinal Ligament. Therefore, if you intend to get that coveted inguinal crease, it would be a great idea to workout this muscle. This is especially important if you’ve already lost significant body fat! This muscle is highlighted in red in the below picture.

Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ATransversus_abdominis.png
Image Attribution: By modified by Uwe Gille (Gray397.png) [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Conclusion On How To Reveal Your Inguinal Line
So as you see, it is not that complicated what you need to do to get an inguinal crease. You need to lose weight. You need to workout your deepest abdominal core muscle. That’s it! All you need now is determination. You need the drive! You need the will power to succeed! All of that has to come from within you. So now, good luck and godspeed on getting that inguinal crease!