We are CONSTANTLY bombarded by stress each and every day. I remember my times living in a college dorm. Those were some of the most anxious moments of my life. I had to deal with crazy people living above me who were partying at 5 in the morning all week like class didn’t exist for them. Sometimes I got so mad I’d throw a basketball up at the ceiling over and over again until they got the hint. If that isn’t the straw that breaks the camel’s back, having a room mate who constantly has his girlfriend sleeping over night after night until it feels like you have a third room mate certainly will be.
So I’m sure you experience somewhat similar or remotely similar stressful situations in your life. Perhaps you were struggling with it right now and typed in www.fitnessoriented.com to give you answers. Well, today is your lucky day cause that is EXACTLY what I am going to do. I am going to give you 3 very effective ways to reduce stress so you can control it.
3 Effective Ways To Reduce Stress
1. Change your environment
Changing your environment is a very effective technique for reducing anxiety. Usually there is a particular environment we are in that sets off stress triggers. Perhaps it is your house or a particular room in your house that sets off your trigger. Or perhaps it is a particular person in that environment that does it for you. My point is, changing the environment you are in is very effective for reducing worry. Go someplace you have never been before that you feel you can relax in. Then when you are relaxed, you can approach the original environment with new vigor to take on the stressful situation.
2. Hang out with positive people
If you’re always hanging out with a bunch of Negative Nancys who are always talking about how they hate the weather or the latest disease…of course you are going to become depressed and more anxious. This kind of ties in to the environment you hang out in. If these people are in the environment that triggers your stress response, then I would remove myself from the environment to get away from those people. Also, I’d go out and find some new friends who are more positive and not always bringing you down.
3. Listen to relaxing music
This is a very simple and effective way to combat anxiety and worry. Make sure the music is relaxing though and not some heavy metal screaming music like Scar Symmetry. Try something more similar to Sade. I don’t really like her music and I consider it very slow and boring, but it gets the job done in that it makes me relaxed and may even put me to sleep.
So there you go, there are my top 3 favorite techniques to reduce stress that you can practice and make use of, right now!