Two Major Causes Of Inner Knee Pain & How To Address Them Inner knee pain is quite common among people with the lifestyle we live today. We are a lot more sedentary than in the past and we sit around a LOT more! Because of this, certain muscles get weak in our body, while other […]
How do hip problems cause knee pain?
So you are probably wondering to yourself right at this moment how the heck the hip can affect the knee and cause knee pain when it is so far away. Well…you would be VERY surprised just how large of an affect it can have! How the hips can affect the knees and cause pain There are […]
Knee Pain Making You Insane?
Well then, allow me to explain why knee pain is making you insane! As you probably know, the knees take a ton of abuse and problems with them are a very common reason why so many people go to professionals like sports medicine doctors and doctors of physical therapy. The above is probably what your doctor […]