How To Go About Fixing Uneven Shoulder Blades
Having shoulders that are lopsided is certainly noticeable, so I can understand why you would want to fix uneven shoulders. If you are constantly walking around with your shoulders uneven, people may look at you funny and your clothes may look strange.
Certainly by fixing this issue, you will be improving your image!
I mean, look how goofy I look in this picture of a video I did about lopsided shoulders down below! I don’t think you wanna look like this constantly!
Not only this, but having uneven shoulders can increase your chances of getting issues like muscle pain and shoulder injuries. If you are constantly in that position, it is going to place excessive stress on your body over time.
In order to fix this issue, however (which I will be explaining how to do in a video below), we first have to understand the CAUSE.
What Causes Uneven Shoulder Blades
In this article, I’ll be going over a HUGE cause. Please note though that if you do have Scoliosis, or a sideways curved spine, that is out of the scope of this article. If you have that, you should go see a doctor, as that is another cause of having lopsided shoulders.
If you don’t have that though, what I’m about to tell you could perhaps help you out a lot if you listen and try it out.
Here’s the thing, seemingly BENIGN actions you do throughout the day can MAJORLY impact your body over time!
What is an example of this you may be asking?
Something as simple as always holding a purse or bag in the same arm each day.
When you do this on the SAME EXACT SIDE each day, you are going to create a muscle imbalance.
When you hold things with the same arm each day, you are really heavily utilizing two muscles on that side.
One of those muscles is the Upper Trapezius (the uppermost portion in the below picture).

Page URL of Image: Image Attribution: By Anatomography (en:Anatomography (setting page of this image).) [CC BY-SA 2.1 jp (], via Wikimedia Commons

Page URL of Image: Image Attribution: By Anatomography (en:Anatomography (setting page of this image)) [CC BY-SA 2.1 jp (], via Wikimedia Commons
So you can see how using these muscles on one side heavily can lead to shoulder hiking.
Another seemingly BENIGN activity that can lead to uneven shoulders is sleeping!
The pillow you sleep on can indeed cause a shoulder muscle imbalance over time.
I mean, think of how often you sleep! You can see how easily this could impact your body over time, right?
The pillow you rest your head on can indeed make a big difference over time.
You see, many pillows are either TOO HARD or TOO SOFT. When this happens, your head can tilt too far up, or down.
This can over time cause your Levator Scapulae muscle to overly tighten on one side. This is because an action of that muscle is side bending your head. So sleeping on a pillow not keeping your spine straight can impact you over time.
I actually did write an article about a pillow that supports your cervical spine well if you are interested in learning more.
Another example of an action that can take its toll over time is talking on your cellphone. If you are constantly side bending your head to one side while talking on the phone, muscle tightness can result. This can then cause lopsided shoulders to occur.
NOW that we understand causes of uneven shoulders, lets talk about how to address the issue itself.
Four Things To Do To Fix Uneven Shoulders
Now, before I show you the video, I just want to briefly discuss four things you should do to fix your shoulders being uneven.
Once you have read this, the video will make even more sense!
#1: Fix Bad Posture Habits & Positions
This essentially means to stop talking on the same side of your body with your cellphone constantly. If you are doing this, switch it up! Also, get a pillow that aligns your neck properly. Finally, if you are holding bags in one arm constantly, switch up sides! Wear your backpack on both shoulders too, not just one! Making these adjustments will help to fix uneven shoulders in yourself.
#2: Stretch Your Upper Trapezius
Because tightness in this muscle contributes to uneven shoulder blades, you’ll want to stretch it! Stretching this muscle is not difficult. All you need to do is do the opposite actions of the muscle.
Remember, be gentle stretching your neck! You should have NO PAIN doing these stretches!
I will be explaining exactly how to do this stretch in the video further down. To stretch your Upper Trapezius, do the following. Reach down with your arm on the side you are stretching. Keep reaching. Then side bend your head to the opposite side. Rotate it to the opposite side as well. Then with your free hand, gently flex your head down. Hold this for 30 seconds.
#3: Stretch Your Levator Scapulae
Once again, be gentle with this stretch. There should be NO PAIN!
The stretch for this muscle is similar to the Upper Trapezius. To stretch this muscle, reach down with your arm on the side you are stretching. Continue to reach. Then side bend your head to the opposite side and rotate it to the opposite side as well. Finally, with your free hand, gently flex your head down. Hold that stretch for 30 seconds too.
Read More Below…
Strengthen Your Lower Trapezius
Indeed, the Trapezius muscle has a lower portion to it! This portion is often very overlooked, however. This is something you DO want to strengthen though. A major function of your Lower Traps are to DEPRESS your shoulder blades. So to fix uneven shoulders this is certainly an area you will want to make stronger.
While I CAN show you how to do this quick….I’ll get to the point and show you the video already.
Here is the video you’ve been waiting for on fixing uneven shoulders! If you like the video, Remember to give it a Thumbs Up and Subscribe to my YouTube channel! Share this with your friends too!
A Final Recap On How To Fix Uneven Shoulders
First, you need to be aware of bad ways you are positioning your body throughout the day. Remember to sleep with your neck supported properly, as well as switching up the ways you hold things like bags.
Secondly, stretch your Levator Scapulae and Upper Trapezius muscle. When these muscles are very tight, they can contribute to your shoulder hiking up higher.
Finally, to keep these stretches in place and better help fix uneven shoulders, strengthen your Lower Traps. This will better depress your shoulder blades, which will be beneficial.
I HOPE this article helped you out regarding how to fix uneven shoulders! If you enjoyed it, I would GREATLY appreciate it if you left a comment down below!