Use These Forward Head Posture Exercises To Help Correct It
So you’re here to learn some forward head posture exercises to get rid of it, huh? Well, that’s the spirit!
In this article, we will be going over this subject in depth! I even did a few Videos below for you to watch soon!
Many people have forward head posture in this day and age and don’t even seem to be aware that it is a big deal.
Look at Justin Bieber for example…
He CLEARLY has it!
It is good though that AT LEAST you KNOW that this is problematic to have. That is the first step to fixing anything, recognizing the problem in the first place.
Just why is it bad to have this posture? Let’s briefly discuss that.
Forward Head Posture Symptoms
When you are constantly in this bad posture, it can cause a variety of ailments to affect you.
For one, when your head is excessively forward, it is going to cause your muscles to work much harder to support you.
Not only will this quickly fatigue your muscles, it can also lead to joint pain and pinched nerves.
On top of this, you can also develop shoulder and neck pain from this, as well as tension headaches.
All of these are certainly things you will want to avoid!
So now, you’re probably saying, “Alright already! So how do I fix it?”
Believe me, I hear you, I hear you!
Before we go into how to FIX it though, we have to know WHAT CAUSES IT.
The Cause Of Forward Head Posture
Let me guess what you are doing RIGHT now as you are reading this.
You are likely either sitting down and looking at your laptop, or you are looking down at your mobile phone or tablet.
The fact is that the human body WAS NOT MEANT to be doing this constantly.
When you are in that bad posture position constantly that you see above, changes begin occurring in your body.
At the back of your neck, you have muscles known as the Suboccipitals. These muscles can become quite stiff over time.

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Together with the muscles at the back of your neck becoming too tight, while the front of your neck becomes too lengthened and weak, you can see how this would lead to forward head posture, no?
Also, many of us tend to have rounded shoulders. This is typically caused by poor posture and a lack of both stretching and exercising.
When you are in this position, your chest muscles get tight, while your back muscles get lengthened and weak. This can FURTHER put you into forward head posture.
Essentially, you will want to do the forward head posture exercises I will be describing below to help you escape this position and correct muscle imbalances in your body.
Forward Head Posture Treatment Exercise For Your Neck
There is one very effective exercise that I myself do quite frequently.
This exercise is great because not only does it strengthen the front of your neck, but it stretches the back as well.
It is also an easy exercise that you can do ANYWHERE at ANYTIME.
This exercise is known as the chin tuck.
DON’T do the exercise if it is painful. None of the exercises I show you should cause pain.
Essentially, to do this exercise, you bring your chin straight back. Hold for 3 seconds, then come forward.
In the video below, I’ll be explaining this exercise, what it is doing, as well as talking about forward head posture more.
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Forward Head Posture Exercises For Your Chest And Back
Not only will you want to do the above exercise I told you about, but you will also want to do the ones I’m about to show you.
Read More Below…
This first exercise I’m going to show you is a VERY good one.
It is entirely comprehensive and will truly help to improve your posture.
With this exercise, you will be not only mobilizing your thoracic spine, which gets too kyphotic in many of us.
You will also be stretching your 2 major chest muscles, your Pec Minor and Major.
So without further ado, let me show you this exercise.
I did this exercise from my bed by the way cause I was recovering from foot surgery.
ALSO once again, this exercise should not hurt you.
Once you have done these forward head posture exercises and have opened up your chest more, it is now time for the 2nd exercise.
This exercise is quite effective because it directly targets your upper back muscles.
When you are in that bad rounded shoulder posture I described above, your back muscles tend to become lengthened and weak.
Having this rounding of the shoulders isn’t good because it can affect you up above and lead to forward head posture.
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In Conclusion About Forward Head Posture Correction
The first thing you will want to do to fix this issue is to STOP going into bad posture all the time.
If you slouch in your chair repeatedly, stop doing that. If you are constantly jutting your head forward, stop doing that as well.
One thing I find VERY useful is to bring devices I am looking at up to eye level. So if I’m looking at my phone, I bring that up to my face, for example. This prevents me looking down, which can lead to problems over time.
Next, once you stop those bad posture patterns, you will want to do the above exercises I showed you.
To recap, you will want to stretch the back of your neck and strengthen the front, as well as stretch your chest and strengthen your back.
By doing these things, you will help to bring your body out of that bad position and bring yourself into proper posture.
These forward head posture exercises will not only help to lessen that bad body position, but also bring your body into better alignment and not only make you feel healthier, but be healthier!
Finally, if you want to maintain your body in optimal alignment while you are sleeping, a memory foam pillow is great for improving neck posture. I use one myself and I highly recommend it!
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